Birthday Sayings 3rd Birthday What Are Sum Good Birthday Sayings?

What are sum good birthday sayings? - birthday sayings 3rd birthday

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when1947 said...

I hope your birthday is as sweet as you. (for a woman at any age, but a good sweet 16 birthday.)
Age is just a number, how do you feel that counts.
Welcome to Over the Hill Gang. Looking for the best, as the damn hill.
Life's a bowl of cherries, but watch out for holes.
Count to ten and a wish. No, we're still here and not up to 20 years.
I can not imagine. Do not worry, it's late and I made a few fools.

funnana said...

Birthday Happpy. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;

mags said...

Eh! You're older today, yesterday, but younger than tomorrow sooooooo h / Anniversary

mags said...

Eh! You're older today, yesterday, but younger than tomorrow sooooooo h / Anniversary

mags said...

Eh! You're older today, yesterday, but younger than tomorrow sooooooo h / Anniversary

Hi~ said...

happy birthday to you
They were born in a zoo
They look like a fat cow
and smell like a to ...

(I recommend this and for those who despise to ...)

pwrgrlma... said...

Have a happy day.
Happy Birthday.
Ring to another ...
and a further growth ...
it depends on the age, half of the fifties, one quarter of a century, ten years ago ....

starcrss... said...

For all those at 30, 40, 50 and over: "You're thinking because you only as old as you act!"

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