Cock too small? I'm embarrassed.? - cock growth tablets
I did not really admit to me, but I think my penis is too small. I saw another cocks in the village and my really done nothing. I'm almost embarrassed in front of my house, for fear of the people of my small penis laugh foot. My wife has said anything yet, but I think only nice to you. I really do not know what to do, a good size cock is critical in any chicken farm, and my late father was furious when he saw how I was going today. Can anyone recommend something like a growth or something herbal formula to help me?
Cock Growth Tablets Cock Too Small? I'm Embarrassed.?
2:49 PM
"seen some other faucets in the city"
Where do you live? "Whether a nudist camp or farmy area ....
If you managed to find a wife, I really do not think you have to right to worry. From what I hear, pills, herbs, etc., will not do much. Surgery can be your only option, but can be dangerous. Think carefully before doing anything. Good luck.
Feed his cock certain growth hormones. Or go to another farm with chickens and a rooster is bigger than yours. And do not forget that the average size cock does not Dick, inferior.
What is your name: Janine: It's a name for girls.
And find nothing there that can help you with your little problem.
Not necessarily true. I have no other year hens and two cooks accustomed to the club and have a lot more action than my two big cocks.
haha Big Dick scored at least proud of your small penis.
just learn to work with your trash! do not worry about the size!
two words
Cock pumps
dressed chicken in town? It is interesting. I pictured in my head now.
Eat more Chicken
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