Does Masturbation Cause Irritable Bladder Can Excessive Masturbation Cause An Irritable Bladder?

Can excessive masturbation cause an irritable bladder? - does masturbation cause irritable bladder

As per question, I am contsantly visit to the bathroom. Often twice during the night and not even drink before bed. I masturbate often, this might be a cause? Even if I have a few drinks in one night, I have to visit the toilet at least twice a bar / night club that I come.

Thank you.


Dr. Kyron MacMannis said...

No, not lead to masturbation bladder problems. You may need to time by your doctor.

Masturbation is healthy and tasty practiced by at least 95% of men on earth. It is for your physical and mental health. It has the potential to prostate and testicular cancer to reduce it. Relieves stress and frustration and help you on other aspects of his life to concentrate.

Most men masturbate, do 2 or 3 times a day and many many more than that. It is not harmful to their health or their lives. There will be no adverse effects.

Eclectic said...

Some people are just cursed with very low capacity of the bladder. I studied it a little, there was the problem all my life and I've never heard of a connection between masturbation and frequent urination.

If they say they're over 50, could the state come in. If you enlarge the prostate, can cause urination or the urge to urinate. However, the far caused by masturbation, ironically 3 different doctors have told me that my prostate often need masturbation!

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