Motorcycle Golf Rack Why Is Trickle Down Economics So Badly Understood?

Why is trickle down economics so badly understood? - motorcycle golf rack

If you are someone what they would do if they won the lottery question, I say things like a specially designed, built his own motorcycle, has a driver, you get golf lessons, get a gardener to buy art without fee etc.

Why are these people may not even realize that this "trickle-down effect? - Carpenters, painters, motorcycle manufacturers, pilots, teachers, internships, hiring gardeners and landscape designers have their costs.

Now, let the winners of the lottery in the amount of 50%: half of people benefited.

Increasing taxes on the rich will lead to increased unemployment. It is so easy. Obama will cause massive unemployment chosen where.


william p said...

You are very correct, especially with Hussein Obama. If taxes for the rich to withdraw the money from firms and companies to invest to create jobs. The economy is a concept quite difficult to calculate the two sides, but without stopping unfair trade practices, we are doomed to continue along this path.

Andrew said...

"Increasing taxes on the rich causes of the rise in unemployment." is a line often used without evidence.
They say it will create unemployment, but what happens when the taxpayers' money will be invested in a state or federal government to create new jobs?
What happens if the money is used to get to build the infrastructure for new businesses?
Taking into account the number of workers increased from / into the workforce in the past 30 years or tax cuts and unemployment remains stable

SlasherX said...

It works. Ask someone who started in the early days of Google or Yahoo. If you want your business to be successful, need to motivate employees and satisfied. But the socialist hippies like you probably do not understand capitalism. And deserve the richest people, to be rich. Considering that more than 2 / 3 of the richest people in the world are self-made. If you are good enough, you can sell anything.

Sue said...

It was understood for centuries, but the economy is not the theory of science. There is no principle that the trickle of work.

I think it's a slap in the face of the middle / lower open as citizens to embrace and elevate the division of social class.

"Increasing taxes on the rich causes of the rise in unemployment"

This is not so simple.

playmake... said...

As the man who won the lottery contributes nothing to society, ranging from the most simply do not deserve to be rich ....... most contribute little or nothing. People who really deserve to work and contribute the lion's share of the assets.

con man said...

Yes, look at what Reagan and Bush (41) at some of the higher interest rates and unemployment since the Great Depression. Clinton people to work and pay the deficit, lowered interest rates, then there is Bush (43), and see where we are.

Robert J said...

does not work. levy taxes for the rich, the financial pressure on the lower classes can relieve, and create an economic boost, more to have a large number of people are not spending 1% of wealthy

McCain drives me Insane said...

If you are the people more money to spend. If you give the rich a tax he plans to spend, and we hope to have.

Kyrix said...

Not teach the economy in the schools is not enough. That, and people think the economy as a zero sum game (if x increases, I lose x).

Ellen S said...

It does not work.

maabo said...

Nothing was spilled my way, but the bills

Thomas said...

It seems pretty clear that you do not understand. Their idea of trickle-down effect is both too simplistic and inaccurate.

You can see examples such as yours to promote all day, but will not be able to find supporting evidence for their assertions. How do I know? As so-called trickle-down "(or supply side) economy has been disproved in real life. If you have worked, we would not have accumulated a significant deficit in SR Reagan, Bush. And Bush jr.

The simple fact of the matter is that the upper class is so small compared to the general population may not be large enough, no matter how much they can spend. In addition, the residence of the rich bourgeoisie does not mean spend all their money to invest it. How much money has gone into the offshore industry and foreign direct investment never reached the lower classes here in the U.S.? Not so.

Go to an economics course instead of the publication of the usual arguments you have already heard from someone else.

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