Pregnancy Calendar Calculator Why Do Some Pregnancy Calenders Say My Wife Is 7 Wks But Others Say She's 8 Weeks Pregnant? November 23 Was ?

Why do some pregnancy calenders say my wife is 7 wks but others say she's 8 weeks pregnant? November 23 was ? - pregnancy calendar calculator

the first day of your last period.

Why are pregnant or larks various sites I results to another?

He said 8 weeks ...

He said 7 weeks ago

Thank you. ...


Anonymous said...

Technically, if you are 7 weeks or more days of pregnancy is technically in the 8th Week of pregnancy. The logic behind this is that there is 0 weeks of pregnancy.

Physicians for a week + day - that is, compliance with the weeks and days, and ignore the computer that you created in the following week. Also happened to me and confused me.

This calculator from his wife is 7 weeks + 2 days of pregnancy. ...

kass ♥ Baby #2 on the way! said...

Calendars occur only if you believe ovulation, most women after ovulation. But not often accurate. Expect to have an ultrasound and get through it. When he's not fast, for 10 weeks, sonography is very accurate.

mommy 2b said...

You do not have to worry .. Once she has her ultrasound exacly that you say advanced, as is. a difference of weeks is not really a big difference, you know? which could be 7 to 8 weeks, and both say it's different, or 2 weeks

Jade M said...

because some people consider pregnancy to continue for 36 weeks and 40, whose due date and everything changes. Guess it is in 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant:)

Samantha W said...

These are only estimates. We first determine the most accurate data and week. if he goes in the data are more accurate than early pregnancy and pregnancy no more. Hope this helps.

★ MUM 2 ßẫßÿ ŞẫmẫņtĦẫ ☺ said...


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~KGR~ due 8-28-09<3 said...

just depends. A schedule and count the actual day of his cars. to be exact.

shes only 7 weeks and 2 days

Hollywoo... said...

No idea why I 4 Time when I was pregnant.
Because no one knows exactly, we can only guess.
Baby will come when you want me to trust.

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