Sexy Slippers My Mother-in-law Told Me To Wear Slippers To Look Sexy?

My mother-in-law told me to wear slippers to look sexy? - sexy slippers

Last year, when my mother-in-law visited us, I said his shoes too sexy. I do not argue with him, but I appreciate this comment.
I told him that I do not like to walk leggings or jeans to wear a threshold showing manufacturers Division. I'm not saying that my husband because he was angry with me. I remember, bought two flannel pajamas very nice La Senza. She did not even with her (she was very nice, take it and I love him) and I think it's because I see something that looks attractive wanted. Why behave this way? I know that my father-in-law has been unfaithful. Do you think that is the reason why please, to look at it. Both in the early 60's now, her husband is always angry about something, I find it boring.
Would you say your husband shoes or not? He has never told me to look to get something sexy. I am very feminine clothes that make me look good. Tell him about this, so I do not agree with her mother and begin to join me in a different perspectivet angle. Who knows.


Self Help Buddha said...

As above, just ignore this comment, I do not know if she's really arrogant opinion or comment, but I would be considered and any future comments of this kind is certainly wait a bit longer to roll your tongue! Lmao.

Susan B said...

Sorry - I do not see anything sexy in sneakers.
I think it affects you.
If it could only guess was a joke or for more sinister motives.
I want to just ignore that comment and stupid like this happens.

Abc D said...

Very strange scenario ID cogens ignore comments and if they ask for a similar point in the future, that: S

durandur... said...

Is this a serious story ...

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